Don’t not call it a comeback

I didn’t think I’d be starting this blog again.

I stopped when I started my YouTube channel and then stopped my YouTube channel after the forth person told me that I was so fat I should kill myself to set a good example to other women. It was a lot of fun.

And then something happened. One day we noticed our next door neighbors moving out. Then our other neighbors moved out. THEN our OTHER neighbors moved out. Suddenly, we were the only people in our building. At first it was nice (because quiet), then it was creepy (because who the f#@& was talking in the empty apartment next door?!) and then it was stressful (because please God, do not let that screaming child move in next to us!). In the end we were blessed with three wonderful sets of neighbors who I could never leave and will never stop loving.

OMG, just kidding.

One night, after a particularly hard day of listening to various screams and smelling various awful burnt food/excrement smells from the surrounding apartments, I turned to Jack and yelled “I refuse to live here another year. We need to move!!”. What he said next was surprising.

In the fall we went to Washington for a friend’s wedding and while I jokingly talked about moving there, I didn’t think Jack was enamored as I was. PLOT TWIST: Jack was totally on board. So when I broke down, he suggested we move there. It made so much sense: it’s cheaper, the weather is nice (PLEASE DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT THE RAIN, WE ADORE RAIN SO PLEASE STFU ABOUT IT, WE KNOW IT RAINS THERE) and oh man, did we like the other perks (rhymes with beagle greed) that we cannot currently get in California.

The only problem? I had this job. It was a long term thing and I was invested. So, we worked out a plan which my manager, in her wisdom(?), declined to participate in. I was a little hurt but then Jack and I had a couple of long, very serious talks about the future and here’s what we came up with:

  1. I should quit my job
  2. We should move to Washington

I’ll talk more about part 1 of the plan in the next post because it’s long and complicated and I know you’re sick of reading my nonsense. So for now, let’s just say that I have no RuGrets ;)








One Comment

  1. Somehow, my ancient hotmail account still gets notifications about your blog posts. I’ll have to update that email! Anyway, I’m so excited that you’re moving to Washington because, weirdly, I go there more frequently than I go to Santa Cruz. And I love it up there and daydream about moving there myself =)


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